My FIL has just come home after a major surgery... We as a family have had a traumatic 5 months... The Husband's Dad was diagnosed with a tumor of the bad type in his lungs... the entire family was shattered.....for the past 5 months... all we have being doing is rounds of the hospital and doctors... loads of medication.... consultations.... chemos... and what not..... last monday... He was operated upon... and the dreaded tumor.. removed.. they had to remove one section of the lung.....the doc showed us the removed organ... it was BIG.... anyways we were all relieved...
My FIL was shifted back to his room the day after the surgery,..... and I walked in during visiting hours to find.. him exercising.... I almost collapsed... was someone just out of a major surgery supposed to stretching his arms... and taking a walk.....???????
My anxious must have shown in my eyes.. when my MIL... gestured that she had had the same feeling and reaction when the doc had arrived to make FIL do his exercises... but it seems.. thats how things need to be now... I saw the incision cut on my FILs back it was about 3 inches...yes.. thats all...
We expected the doctors to keep him in hospital for at least a week if not more.... but.... wednesday we were told that they may discharge him on saturday,.,,, then they sent a message that maybe friday.... thankfully my MIL was able to convey to them... that we were in no hurry... and that they should release him not before Saturday.....
So yesterday he came hom looking better than before... he is his normal self... sitting in the study.. playing his beloved... MAHJONG on my laptop....calling his Office in Cal.... chatting with his friends...
It is taking us sometime time to get used to him being home... we seemt o be the cautious ones... reminding him to see what he is eating..... he wants to go to favourite Galleria.... and we look helplessly at each other....
We had some relatives over yesterday who came to see him and were stunned to see him walk out of the study and shake their hands and heartily laugh at their jokes.. and gossip....
Every now and then.. they would ask if he would like to go and rest and he laughed them off.. asking them to sit a while longer and do 'adda'.... he was enjoying himself....
Today.... I have to go to work.... is Sunday... and we have a adventure sports carnival in school... I don't mind it... I went last eyar and it was wonderful.... the lawns of the school looked lovely and loads of stuff for kids to do... and a lovely sunny day and good grub... ideal... this time the Husband is incharge of Joy and we have some friends.. who have said they would join us ....So I asked my MIL come along and see the school where I work and where her grandson would study in couple of years... and was surprised to hear "I will come too... and I think we shal lunch at the stalls there"....from Bapi.....
My MIL had an exasperated look and I just smile... it was good to have him back......
Hats off to you Bapi....... we wouldn't have made it through these few months if it weren't for you.....and your positivity and will power......
HATS...OFF to YOU and .... MEDICAL SCIENCE ......and DOCTORS who save lives!!!!!