Joy and I have had a great time.... this year... also because he is now at an age when he is talking and talking and wanting to do things all the time...
It does get a little tiring,,, but has been fun....
A lot of our friends have sent their kids off to summer camp, due to work constraints or other reason... and let me tell you I have thought about doing so myself a few times.. when Joy is driving me a little around the bend.... but am glad I haven't.
Joy and I went to Kolkata for a short trip and got thoroughly pampered....we would have ideally liked his baba to have been with us as well.... but since...Baba is very busy and we hardly get to see him on normal days we decided it was better to take ourselves off to another city and see other people instead.
Joy at the station
Even before going on the , since April, Joy and I have been going swimming everyday at this delightful club we are members of. It is just across the road from our condo... and we enjoy ourselves a lot here... it has a little old world charm to it...and great food and good entertainment...
Joy has started swimming- well almost- he refuses to swim in the toddler pool anymore and jumps into the bigger pool after he sees me get in.
We have spent a lot of time in the water and its been great fun...Joy's baba gets to hear all about our exploits every evening and we can see that look in his eyes.. of " aaw!! I wish I was there too...." ( we wish the same too baba!!)
But he makes up for it by joining us on weekends and then treating us to a good breakfast after the swim...
My lil waterbaby!!
Joy has been enrolled in a play school... a school I wish I could go to....called "Anand"...close to home... a fabulous place with lots of area and an energetic bunch of teachers.... and small numbers....a place we picked after a lot of deliberation and thought....
The school asked us to try and maintain a scrapbook about Joy and his summer holidays, which we have been doing..
Joy and I have had the most amazing time sprawled on the floor with craayons and colours, drawing.....scribbling and doodling......we have done some interesting art and craft work, creating things to illustrate stories that Joy likes....specially about his " caterfinner" and how it's hiding in the grass and about a "giraffe who ate green leaves" and about " Catterfinnners and Radybugs who live on twees and reaves".....( yes Joy can't say 'l' and replaces it with 'r' and 'w' on and off)....watching back to back videos of Barney, dancing to "partridge in a pear tree", mimicking each other....ODing on "sausages and woodles...".....playing tag in the park( when the weather permits).... listenning to my little 2 something year old pleading me not to send him to the " eets hot theewrw..mama!" and telling me innocently " mama..let's go Swoimming"...even if we already went in the morning....
Play dough fun!!
Craft Work
Shredding paper
My little boy is growing up... though he is still driving us bonkers with his terrible twos..... he is growing up....
if he sees me hurt (specially after he has jumped on me)... or if I look upset about something....he rushes upto me and holds my face in his grubby little hands and looks into my eyes and asks " you ok mama????" " Arni ( arnica) chayi???" and gives me a kiss on the lips and again asks... " you ok????"
Awwww.... I would melt.....initially.....feeling instantly better.... but off late.. he has started roll playing a little,...
so after " you ok?".... he goes on to " Joy Doctor hobe??? and acts as though he is putting on his stethoscope... and starts jabbing me with his little fingers, the eye, in the nose .. in the stomach..... and if his baba is around... he gets jabbed in unmentionable places as well....
We have been entertaining quite a bit as well.... have had friends and relatives over for dinner, to stay and have been eating out a lot....
I have read five books since the start of my vacation and not even one of them has anything remotely to do with work.....
I suddenly realised that I had read any of the John Grisham.... so have burried myself in my brother's collection.....The Husband has been more than happy to get me a few more and someothers...we have spent a number of hours quietly snuggled in bed , with the AC on full blast, Joy asleep.....reading and soaking in the peace.... a blissful way to spend a hot and horrible summer day.....
I have been experimenting with interesting food... so have been trying to make some different food for the husband for dinner...poor guy is such a foodie and used to love it when I cooked..... but now I have become too lazy to cook and the maid is a fabulous have let her take charge....
Joy and I still have a month of vacation left before both of us go back to school.....and are looking forward to the next few days as we have Joy's Dadu and Dadi visiting us for a week.......
What fun!!!
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