Everyone has their own type of early morning fix.... their get me going thingy....
Some people have to have a cup of tea.... or coffee.... some people have to turn on the music... ...some people have to light up....some people do yoga...some do a glass of water..whatever.....
The husband... has to have a glass of water and then yell for the newspaper and head for the loo...
The maid has to do "namaskar" to the sun and to her tulsi plant.....
I have to groan..and turn over.....and groan again....and yell for my bed tea....
Joy has his morning routine as well....
Somedays he... starts crying in his sleep....mind waking up ..but eyes..still wanting to stay shut...
Somedays he ...wakes up smiling....and turns over to stick his finger in our noses or pull hair..
whichever is within hands reach...
Somedays he...wakes up...looks round....and makes a"break for it".....heading straight for the
bedpost....or tries to climb over us...
Actually.... in all of the above... the routine ends only in one way....He always makes a break for it .
However after waking up he leaves our room.. to take his daily tour of the house... ie.. after the maid has made him also do his Surya and Tulsi namaskar..... he sits down to read...(ahem!! destroy ...) the newspaper....
This makes his father grin everytime... but only untill he realises ... that the paper in question is today's paper and he still hasn't read it .....LOL....
Joy reading/destroying The Mint...
This happens everyday.... I must say... full marks to Joy for his perseverence and full marks to his father as well.. for daily stupidity....
Oh my God!! Look at little joy the hunk ;-) chooo chweeetttt, I loved all the posts and had a good laugh seeing the making a break for it pics..wish I could have seen it myself :-( Give Joy a big huggy from me and hope to see him soon on the cam..Btw Belated happy 9 months birthday to the little charmer.
Thanks for being regular in posting..so much fun reading abt joy..:)
I loved that picture :-) Joy looks adorable.
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