Monday, June 25, 2007

Thakuma's out of her bed!!!!

Three days ago, I got a call from my mother....Thakuma, my fathers mother, had been taken out of her bed ,( she had been bed ridden since last December) and was sitting in her wheel the garden.... I felt tears go down my face....
I had been hoping to hear this news for ages....and was so happy.....
I rushed over with Joy armed with my camera to capture the occassion.
Look at Thakuma with Joy on her lap.... both of them admiring my mother's new lush green lawn...

Thakuma and Joy

1 comment:

Mystic Margarita said...

I pray that your Thakuma gets better still - being some one who's lost her Didima and Thakuma at a very young age, I can appreciate how precious grandparents are.